Experience Our Inpatient Rehabilitation Team Approach

Inpatient Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation (or acute medical rehabilitation) refers to specialized healthcare dedicated to improving, maintaining or restoring physical strength, function, cognition and mobility. The goal of rehabilitation is to return patients to a more independent level of activity. Typically, rehabilitation helps people gain greater independence following illness, injury or surgery.

One important key to success in rehabilitation therapy is our hospital's team approach. Rehabilitation works best with a diverse team of experts, working together. Each brings special expertise to the table. And the whole is greater than the sum of parts. Each team member complements the rest. They work in concert to develop a treatment plan for physical, cognitive and emotional needs. Team members include:

See Our Hospital

Join us for a virtual tour of our hospital where you will see our patient rooms, exercise facilities, and more. You can also set up a personal tour by calling our hospital.

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Becoming a Patient

Our hospital provides care for those who are ready to be discharged from a hospital but not ready to return home. Treatment and care is designed to bridge the gap between hospital and home. Anyone who is limited functionally from an injury or illness can benefit from rehabilitation.

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